Independence Day.. ya rite!!
Ouch..I have been beaten black and blue. I was trying to board the plane to Shimla to attend a conference dealing with a topic that is very close to every married man. It was a conference on the harassment that men face from their wives.
The conference would unite married men who are constantly harassed by their wives (who isn't?). Over one thousand men like me would attend to discuss about protection of husbands on issues like dowry and domestic violence.
Dowry: Personally, I believe every man should be entitled to a good gaming console so that the husband does not irritate the wife when he's free. And this console would even be handy once the kids grow up. So, I propose that a gaming console with extra controllers and a bunch of games be made an essential, a fundamental right of a husband for the mental well being of the wife.If the husband forces his in-laws to give him the console, it should not be seen as demanding dowry.
Domestic Violence: After labouring with the household chores, most Indian women assume the form of a sumo wrestler, while the hardworking husband not only looses the hair on his scalp but also his appetite providing for the family. Now, I wanna know how can a 45kg man hurt a 100kg woman. In all probability, it's the man who would be hurt even if he tried to hurt the woman! So, the law needs to be amended and the husband should be provided relief against the evils of domestic violence.
Armed with this two-point agenda, I booked a ticket to Shimla secretly to demand for the independence of my brothers. But I could not escape the prying eyes of my detective wife. Now, I sit in front of this stupid computer beaten black and blue. I want protection against domestic violence. Somebody, please 'ghanti bajao.'
Hell, here she comes again.. ouch :'(