Screw the Politician
Is a 100km human chain across the length of Bombay the best method to curb the lackadaisical attitude of our politicians? Or is a congregation of a hundred thousand people at the Gateway of India enough to bring in some accountability in the system?
What have politicians done for us to deserve the privileges they currently have? I have been voting since 11 yrs in all the elections that took place but have not seen any action from either the local corporator or the MLA. PMs of our country are busy answering either to their allies or to their Italian madams. Presidents here don’t get another term in office simply cause they are clean, unbiased and intellectuals; instead these honest people are replaced by morons who are too dumb to be respected by their own children let alone the citizens of our country.
It pisses me off whenever I see a politician or bureaucrat halts the already crawling traffic of Bombay just so that his car passes by. Why are such privileges given to these bastards when they don’t even do their job? Why are politicians not security checked at airports? I bet they carry loads of black money and quite possibly a firearm too.
Instead of making a strong statement against the terrorists that waged war in Bombay last month or the country harbouring these terrorists, our politicians are bickering over the killing of ATS chief. I bet Hemant Karkare died a bigger death after his death was politicized by Antulay in the Parliament. All the strong statements have come from Barrack Obama and Ratan Tata while our politicians are busy with their own civil war in the Parliament.
The ‘best’ India has managed in our fight against terror is to get JuD banned by the UN. Gimme a break. Isn’t SIMI a banned outfit? Doesn’t SIMI still operate freely? Wasn’t SIMI blamed for the blasts in Ahmedabad recently? Who are you fooling, Manmohan Singh? The only way to ban a militant outfit is to BOMB it. Isn’t that what Bush did to the Taliban?
Politicians have already sold India, next probably are their mothers.
Cartoons by Manjul
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