Happy New Year
Another year has passed. Another year wasted. 366 days of carnage on the stock exchanges, on the road and in the industry. Be it the recession or terrorism attacks, the year 2008 has been the worst ever. Looking back on 2008 it is quite possibly THE black year of all times.
Those who avoided being hit by recession and managed to hold on to their jobs, fell to the terrorism attacks all over India. The others were on my mailing list and got bombarded with messages to read my posts on this crappy blog.
I consider blogging a bigger threat than either recession or terrorism. Every damn idiot you know maintains a blog these days! With so much so garbage floating on the net, it's impossible not to dirty your mind going through them. The way people have hung on to blogging, soon you might have people giving their blog addresses instead of their cell phone numbers.
Your worst nightmare came true, when I started blogging on Pissd, aint it? Well, amongst the 23 resolutions I resolved this year, updating Pissd more often is one of them. So get ready for some more nonsense in 2009.
The only saving grace, my resolutions to hit the gym and eat less of desserts are already in jeopardy so keep your fingers crossed...
Cartoon Copyright by Randy Glasbergen

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