Recession Woes
To boost my flagging Herculean ego, I am assuming that you have read this blog earlier. Ya, I agree you clicked the link by mistake but I don't really care cause that counts as a hit on my webpage :-D
You may have bloody noticed that I had some adverts on the blog earlier, but not anymore. The rascals at Google have discontinued the ad service on Pissd. They claim that they suspected some fishy activity. I beg to differ though; I think it is because the recessionary blues got to them and I am the first victim of that. I bloody lost $84 in all this. The cash register was the ONLY motivating factor that forced me to keep updating Pissd.
Don't you worry, people. This New Year I have resolved to get under your skin and bug the living shit outta you, so money or no money I am going to keep updating Pissd and mailing you about it. There's always an exit plan though. You could send ur monetary contributions direct to my bank account and I will take you off the list.
That's my solution to beat the recession - extort from friends and family and any other moron who wastes his time reading Pissd.
ps: For bank details, mail me.
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